Sunday, 6 September 2009

Hello lovely peeps, here's a card I made for my lovely DH, yes I made him one this year, he sits and watches me make cards for all and sundry and I never get time to make him one, so this year I made myself make time for him!! its a side waterfall thingy, with pics of all the birds in our garden, he spends hours of his time feeding all the birds and we're rewarded with visits from loads of different species, I must make sure I don't lapse again, he is a wonderful husband and takes care of all his 'birds'!!


Tracy said...

Gorgeous card Sandie, i bet he was/will be over the moon with it.
Hope you are well hun.
Hugs Tracy x

Unknown said...

Its a lovely card mum, one of the many clever and special cards you've made! You're skill and artistic flair amazes me, just wish you'd passed some onto me!
Love always xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sandie, found your blog through a local search. Hope you don't think I'm being cheeky!

Wonder if you're interested in attending a local craft group I'm starting up in Corby?

You can contact me via the link on my blog:


starcyl said...

Another special card Sandie, you do make some stunning stuff!

Jenny x